Big Boring Meeting 7-inch (Snappy Little Numbers)
There’s a lot of talk out there about the perils of living in bubbles — liberal or otherwise. And I get that it limits perspective and can keep one out of touch with the rest of the country. But I have to say, I’m quite happy in my bubble where I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like loud punk rock. And as such, I don’t have to hear anyone talking about how he or she doesn’t like the new Spells record. And that’s fine with me, because it’s a new Spells record. And new Spells records are good. And this snappy little 7-inch fits the template of an excellent Spells record, in that it’s a damn enjoyable bit of vinyl. The six-song single commences with “Deceiver” — an expertly executed grungy pop-punk track that’s comfortably on par with the band’s best songs (maybe even in the top-five, if I ever decided to rank them). “No AC” is a rollicking number about not having an air conditioner in a hot Los Angeles apartment. It’s a sentiment to which I can relate — having experienced the dark, often suicidal thoughts that can occur when the temperature won’t go under 80 degrees in living quarters where sleep is an absolute requirement. Awhile back the group wrote a song where several members shout, “Spells rules, yeah.” Big Boring Meeting is proof that this sentiment is as true now as it was back then.
For more info, go here.
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